Creation & The Flood
Sounds From The Amazon
“Creation and the Flood" is an hour-long recording from Cofan territory in the Amazon Basin. Guided by a group of Cofan people, I traveled to a remote lake in the jungle and recorded the sounds of that area. While these sounds are common in this wilderness, they are magical to my ears (which are more accustomed to the Pacific Northwest). With hopes of incorporating some of this magic into the track titles, I have taken words and phrases from a translation of Cofan stories. Titles with the Cofan language can be seen through the Bandcamp link below (audio is the same). A special thanks to my Cofan guides on this trip, the friends I made, and Gordon Hempton, who introduced me to the depth and possibilities of nature sound recording. Support this album by streaming or purchasing it from the following links.
Andeve Agattoen’cho - Creation And The Flood
Avu quini’jin - The Fish Tree
Tte’ttove agattoen’cho - Making The Teeth
Monami condase’cho - The Bluebird’s Song
Zapo pushesu - Toad Woman
Canjansi singu’ccu - The Boa’s Lake
Lake Garza-Cocha